Jala Neti在治愈疾病中的益处及其用法?

Jala Neti 是 Shatkarma 瑜伽的净化技术之一,用于用水清洁鼻道 (盐水). Jala Neti的好处:- Jala Neti帮助您从头痛等疾病中治愈, 精神压力, 等等. 通过消除大脑多余的热量. 它可以帮助您获得更好的注意力和 … 阅读更多

9 清洁和护理瑜伽垫的酷技巧

yoga mat

One of the most important and foremost yoga tips that the instructor shares with the pupil is choosing a functional, durable and comfortable yoga mat that is going to be the practitioner’s best friend through all the tough days of training. The yoga mat is the only accessory required while practicing yoga and it supports阅读更多

Yoga as a complementary health approach

A great infographic by National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine on yoga. Some of the great points to share and tweet on the infographic: Yoga is one of the top 10 complementary health approaches. »tweet« Yoga use increased from 5.1% 至 6.1% between 2002 和 2007. »tweet« Back pain is the number one reason people use阅读更多

Causes of Hearing Loss and the Methods to Reduce its Risk

Are you one of them suffering from hearing loss? 是. Then wanted to know what are the causes of hearing loss? If not, then wanted to know what precautions you should take? So that you, your children or any family member do not get caught by this in future. 然后是肋骨… you are in luck! Because阅读更多

Benefits of Savasana (corpse pose) and how to do it?

Savasana (corpse pose), in which sava meanscorpseand asana meansposture”. It looks like the easiest pose in the whole yoga practice, but when doing its one the hardest pose. But the benefits of Savasana are more than any other asana (posture). That’s why it is recommended that you should do savasana after every 30 minutes of yoga阅读更多