
今日, 呢個現代世界嘅兒童, are living unhealthy and physically unfit life.


而唔係食健康同天然嘅食物, 佢哋比其他任何嘢都更依賴快餐.

而唔係喺開放嘅操場上同佢哋嘅朋友一起玩耍, they are busy in playing video games, chatting on Facebook, whats app, etc., during their free time.

Due to which kids suffer from diseases that are incurable or takes months to be cured.

But wait! there’s an easier solution for this problem. If children practice yoga daily for an hour and change their food habits, then there will be no disease that can ever happen to them.

But it’s only possible through the support of their parents/you.

Maybe you are thinking, why yoga for kids and how it can help? To know, have a look in the infographic below!

Some stats you should tweet

  1. Obesity is among the easiest medical conditions to recognize but most difficult to treat. »tweet«
  2. Unhealthy weight gain due to poor diet and lack or exercise is responsible for over 300,000 deaths each year. »tweet«
  3. Untreated children with anxiety disorders are at higher risk to perform poorly in school and miss out on important social experiences. »tweet«
  4. An estimated 1.5 million individuals in the U.S. and tens of millions worldwide are affected by autism. »tweet«
  5. 關於 15 自 33% of children & adolescents are obese, 85% of these children have Type II Diabetes. »tweet«

Why Yoga For Kids

What do you think about yoga for kids? Let me know by commenting below.

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Infographic by ayogastoryforkids.com

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2 關於唻點解揀兒童瑜伽以及它如何幫助佢哋?”

  1. 今日, yoga plays a big role for a good health. This is very good post about yoga for kids. Kids are living an unhappy and unhealthy life, so yoga has the main importance for them. How to keep the body fit and comfortable, so yoga is very necessary for yoga beginners. Thanks so much for sharing important tips!
