

健美同瑜伽可能睇起黎唔似係伴侶, 但佢哋可以. 麻麻, 健美涉及舉重的起重同埋/或者運動, 呢啲重量通常好重, 需要相當大嘅力量. 瑜伽建立在放鬆的肩膀上, 安寧, 同普遍和平,因為一個人經歷咗一系列確定定嘅運動 … 閱讀更多

普拉纳山 – 呼吸的力量與美

乜野係普拉纳山? 普拉纳是梵語中關於生命力量嘅詞. 普拉纳山意味着控制呼吸. 普拉纳係體內呼吸或生命能量. 普拉纳山唔只係定期呼吸,都唔只係深呼吸。. 佢係一種有意識地喺全身分配重要能量嘅技術。. 隨著技術 … 閱讀更多


贾拉·内蒂係沙特卡玛瑜伽淨化技術之一,用于透過水淨化鼻腔 (鹽水). Jala Neti嘅好處:- Jala Neti幫助您治癒頭痛等疾病, 精神壓力, 等. 透過去除大腦中多餘嘅熱量. 它可以幫助您獲得更好嘅注意力同 … 閱讀更多

7 Ways To Prevent Wrist Pain During Yoga

There are endless benefits of yoga including calming the mind, increasing flexibility and strength, and improving energy levels, just to name a few. But one of the most common complaints during yoga is wrist pain. This pain is due to the weight that is put on them during certain poses. Some poses that put a閱讀更多

Recovering from bone break with Yoga

People who practice yoga have obviously heard of its numerous benefits. Some take up on yoga to strengthen their muscles, others practice it in order to become more flexible. It could also help you lose weight, bring peace to a chaotic mind through meditation and relaxation or simply help you improve your health overall. Those閱讀更多