贾拉·内蒂係沙特卡玛瑜伽淨化技術之一,用于透過水淨化鼻腔 (鹽水). Jala Neti嘅好處:- Jala Neti幫助您治癒頭痛等疾病, 精神壓力, 等. 透過去除大腦中多餘嘅熱量. 它可以幫助您獲得更好嘅注意力同 … 閱讀更多
贾拉·内蒂係沙特卡玛瑜伽淨化技術之一,用于透過水淨化鼻腔 (鹽水). Jala Neti嘅好處:- Jala Neti幫助您治癒頭痛等疾病, 精神壓力, 等. 透過去除大腦中多餘嘅熱量. 它可以幫助您獲得更好嘅注意力同 … 閱讀更多
People who practice yoga have obviously heard of its numerous benefits. Some take up on yoga to strengthen their muscles, others practice it in order to become more flexible. It could also help you lose weight, bring peace to a chaotic mind through meditation and relaxation or simply help you improve your health overall. Those … 閱讀更多
Yoga has been used over several years for a variety of reasons. Recently, a study showed the essence of yoga in calming the mind and for its fitness benefits. Other yoga advantages include improved flexibility and tension release from both bones and joints. Parts of yoga include both meditation and the practice of controlled breathing. … 閱讀更多
冇瞭解壓力嘅問題, 討論瑜伽同冥想仍然唔充分同唔完整. 為咗理解壓力, 我哋必須深入研究人類嘅進化,以及係乜嘢畀佢哋与众不同. 人類有兩個獨特的特徵,使他們與地球上的所有其他生物區分開來. 佢哋嘅大腦係最大嘅 … 閱讀更多