Savasana嘅好處 (屍體姿勢) 以及如何做到這一點?

萨瓦萨纳 (屍體姿勢), in which sava 方法 “屍體” 和 asana 方法 “姿勢”.

It looks like the easiest pose in the whole yoga practice, 但係當做它最難姿勢時. But the benefits of 萨瓦萨纳 are more than any other asana (姿勢). That’s why it is recommended that you should do savasana after every 30 minutes of yoga practice, if not, than once after finishing the yoga class or practice.

But what are the Savasana嘅好處 以及如何做到這一點? To know see the infographic below.

benefits of savasana and how to do it?

What more benefits do you know? Let everyone know by commenting below.

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9 關於唻Savasana嘅好處 (屍體姿勢) 以及如何做到這一點?”

  1. Resting benefits the IMMUNE SYSTEM. Whenever we are in active mode (even healthy activity) the Immune System waits. We must be innon-Doingmode for the Immune System to recharge itself. Most often this occurs when we sleep at night, or take a nap during the day. Savasana lets us have a Conscious Rest; Immune factors go up (so long as the mind is relaxed and we are not worrying and stressing from within). It is especially wise to include a Guided Relaxation (some version of Yoga Nidra) while the body is in Savasana Asana, so the student remains Awake/Conscious but is not letting the thoughts wander . If thoughts get stressful, the person goes back intoDomode (take an action, think about it, worry about it, decide about it…) and again, Immune System goes back to waiting. PeaceShantiOm.

  2. No doubt shavasana is a great relaxation tool but if done in the wrong way,may be a little problematic.Some persons lay flat directly on the hard cemented floor covered with carpet but dont keep a soft mat underneath them due to which they feel a pain sensation or more precisely tension on the part ov head which is rested on the floor (although it goes away after some minutes after shavasana) so according to me we should really keep some soft mat underneath us to have a better relaxing experience.
    It is a great experience and you feel lighter than before.

  3. Hi Yogics,I have some concerns regarding Shavasana and Ill be enormously grateful if someone replies.
    The queries are;
    Is it okay to go into Shavasana pose any time during the day or there must be some specific time?
    What is the optimum time length to remain in Shavasana pose?
    Is it okay to do shavasana irrespective of food intake?
    Is it advisable to remain in corpse pose for more than one hour in one continuous attempt?
    Is it advisable to do shavasana twicw or thrice a day?
    Can we do meditation just before or just after doing shavasana or there must be some time separation?

    Waiting anxiously for replies?
