9 Cool Tips to Clean and Care for Your Yoga Mat

yoga mat

One of the most important and foremost yoga tips that the instructor shares with the pupil is choosing a functional, durable and comfortable yoga mat that is going to be the practitioner’s best friend through all the tough days of training. The yoga mat is the only accessory required while practicing yoga and it supportsЧитати далі

5 Нові методи швидкого позбавлення від жиру на животі!

Lots of people possess issue in successfully eliminating belly fat deposits forever. Normally, trend supplements, diets and also supplements simply work temporarily and most of the times, the belly fat seems to come back. Dealing with your belly fat is not visiting take place overnight as it was accumulated for many years of poor eatingЧитати далі

Чому ми страждаємо від стресу і чим хороший стрес?

чому ми страждаємо від стресу?

Не дізнавшись про проблему стресу, a discussion Yoga and Meditation will remain inadequate and incomplete. Щоб зрозуміти стрес, ми повинні дослідити еволюцію людей і те, що робить їх унікальними. Людина має дві унікальні особливості, які відрізняють її від усіх інших живих істот на землі. Their brain is largestЧитати далі

Боротьба з безсонням за допомогою йоги

Fighting Insomnia with yoga

Yoga has been very well-known as a powerful and relaxing exercise that has tons of health benefits for the practitioner. It helps in strength-building, improving focus and peace within one’s self, proper breathing, and even boosting one’s flexibility. But what people may not know is how much of an effective tool it is for peopleЧитати далі

Yoga as a complementary health approach

A great infographic by National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine on yoga. Some of the great points to share and tweet on the infographic: Yoga is one of the top 10 complementary health approaches. »tweet« Yoga use increased from 5.1% to 6.1% between 2002 і 2007. »tweet« Back pain is the number one reason people useЧитати далі

Why Yoga For Kids and how it can help them?

Today, the children in this modern world, are living unhealthy and physically unfit life. Everything has changed from food to their daily free time routine. Instead of eating healthy and natural food, they are more dependent on fast foods than anything else. And instead of playing with their friends in the open playground, they areЧитати далі

Які потенційно шкідливі пози йоги?

Harmful Yoga Poses

Really? Do you think there areyoga posesthat cause you any harm? Так? No? Confused? Ok, then let me ask youHow yoga can cause you harm? By breaking your bones or shooting you by a gun? No!. It cannot. Yoga has no physical body like you and me. тому, yoga cannot hitЧитати далі

Причини втрати слуху та методи зменшення ризику

Ви один з них страждаєте від втрати слуху? Так. Then wanted to know what are the causes of hearing loss? Якщо ні, тоді хотів знати, які запобіжні заходи слід вжити? Так що ти, Ваші діти або будь-який член сім'ї в майбутньому цього не спіймають. Тоді… вам пощастило! BecauseЧитати далі

Переваги Савасани (поза трупа) і як це зробити?

Савасана (поза трупа), в якому означає сава “труп” а асана означає “постава”. It looks like the easiest pose in the whole yoga practice, але при виконанні своєї найважчої пози. But the benefits of Savasana are more than any other asana (постава). That’s why it is recommended that you should do savasana after every 30 minutes of yogaЧитати далі