Важливість йоги в бодібілдингу

Важливість йоги в бодібілдингу

Bodybuilding and yoga might not seem like partners, but they can be. In general, bodybuilding involves the lifting and/or movement of weights which are often heavy and require a considerable amount of force. While yoga is built on the shoulders of relaxation, tranquillity, and general peace as one goes through a set of pre-determined movementsЧитати далі

пранаяма – Сила та краса дихання

Що таке пранаяма? Prana is the Sanskrit word for life force. Pranayama means Control of the Breath. Prana is the breath or vital energy in the body. Пранаяма - це не просто регулярне дихання - і це не просто глибоке дихання. Це техніка свідомого розподілу життєвої енергії по всьому тілу. With the techniquesЧитати далі

Переваги Джала Неті в лікуванні хвороб і як це зробити?

Джала Неті - одна з методик очищення Шаткарма Йоги для очищення носового проходу водою (солона вода). Benefits of Jala Neti:- Jala Neti helps you to get cure from diseases like headaches, mental stress, etc. by removing the excess heat out of your brain. It helps you to get better concentration andЧитати далі

Recovering from bone break with Yoga

People who practice yoga have obviously heard of its numerous benefits. Some take up on yoga to strengthen their muscles, others practice it in order to become more flexible. It could also help you lose weight, bring peace to a chaotic mind through meditation and relaxation or simply help you improve your health overall. ThoseЧитати далі

4 yoga poses to calm your mind and relieve stress

Yoga has been used over several years for a variety of reasons. Recently, a study showed the essence of yoga in calming the mind and for its fitness benefits. Other yoga advantages include improved flexibility and tension release from both bones and joints. Parts of yoga include both meditation and the practice of controlled breathing. … Читати далі

5 Easy Couple Yoga Poses For Your Healthy Sexual Life

Yoga can do wonders for every aspect of your life. It can bring you spiritual, mental and physical calm, and it can also improve the way you think and act. Yoga has been around for centuries, for good reason. It builds your self-confidence, and it helps remove anger, тривожність, antagonism, stress and frustration. Yoga canЧитати далі