病気の治癒におけるJala Netiの利点とその方法?

ジャラネティは、水で鼻腔を浄化するためのシャトカルマヨガの浄化技術の1つです。 (食塩水). JalaNetiのメリット:- Jala Netiは、頭痛などの病気を治すのに役立ちます, 精神的ストレス, 等. あなたの脳から余分な熱を取り除くことによって. それはあなたがより良い集中力を得るのを助け、 … 続きを読む

4 yoga poses to calm your mind and relieve stress

Yoga has been used over several years for a variety of reasons. Recently, a study showed the essence of yoga in calming the mind and for its fitness benefits. Other yoga advantages include improved flexibility and tension release from both bones and joints. Parts of yoga include both meditation and the practice of controlled breathing. … 続きを読む

Why we suffer from stress and what is good stress?

why we suffer from stress?

Without learning about the problem of the stress, a discussion Yoga and Meditation will remain inadequate and incomplete. In order to understand stress, we have to go into evolution of humans and what makes them unique. Humans have two unique features which differentiate them from all other living beings on earth. Their brain is largest続きを読む



Yoga has been very well-known as a powerful and relaxing exercise that has tons of health benefits for the practitioner. It helps in strength-building, improving focus and peace within one’s self, proper breathing, and even boosting one’s flexibility. But what people may not know is how much of an effective tool it is for people続きを読む