Why we suffer from stress and what is good stress?

why we suffer from stress?

Without learning about the problem of the stress, a discussion Yoga and Meditation will remain inadequate and incomplete. In order to understand stress, we have to go into evolution of humans and what makes them unique. Humans have two unique features which differentiate them from all other living beings on earth. Their brain is largest続きを読む



Yoga has been very well-known as a powerful and relaxing exercise that has tons of health benefits for the practitioner. It helps in strength-building, improving focus and peace within one’s self, proper breathing, and even boosting one’s flexibility. But what people may not know is how much of an effective tool it is for people続きを読む


A great infographic by National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine on yoga. Some of the great points to share and tweet on the infographic: Yoga is one of the top 10 complementary health approaches. »tweet« Yoga use increased from 5.1% に 6.1% between 2002 そして 2007. »tweet« Back pain is the number one reason people use続きを読む


今日, この現代世界の子供たち, are living unhealthy and physically unfit life. すべてが食べ物から毎日の自由時間の日課に変わりました. 健康的で自然な食べ物を食べる代わりに, 彼らは他の何よりもファーストフードに依存している. そして、オープンな遊び場で友達と遊ぶ代わりに, they are続きを読む



本当に? あると思いますか “ヨガのポーズ” あなたに害を及ぼす? はい? 番号? 混乱した? OK, それから私にあなたに尋ねさせてください – ヨガがあなたに害を及ぼす方法? 骨を折ったり銃で撃ったり? 番号!. できない. ヨガにはあなたや私のような身体はありません. したがって, yoga cannot hit続きを読む

Causes of Hearing Loss and the Methods to Reduce its Risk

Are you one of them suffering from hearing loss? はい. Then wanted to know what are the causes of hearing loss? If not, then wanted to know what precautions you should take? So that you, your children or any family member do not get caught by this in future. 次に… you are in luck! Because続きを読む

Benefits of Savasana (corpse pose) and how to do it?

Savasana (corpse pose), in which sava meanscorpseand asana meansposture”. It looks like the easiest pose in the whole yoga practice, but when doing its one the hardest pose. But the benefits of Savasana are more than any other asana (posture). That’s why it is recommended that you should do savasana after every 30 minutes of yoga続きを読む

About Prānāyāma or The Meaning Of The Breath Nowadays!

How many times of the day you are with consciousness with your breath, or are you always with your breath? Just right now,… as you reading about it? Many people recognizing the breath only when they angry (strong breath), afraid (stumble breath), excited (quick breath), sad (short breath), , or when they are ill (blocked nose…続きを読む

Rishikesh – The Best Place to Practice and Learn Spiritual Yoga!

Welcome to Rishikesh, a small beautiful city along the Ganges, settled in the primary waves of the Himalayas. It is one of the most famous places in India to study Yoga, Indian classical music and dance. Rishikesh is full of nature, a place to calm down from the pressures of daily life and to get in touch続きを読む