
プラナヤマは癌を治すことができますか癌患者によって頻繁に尋ねられる一般的な質問の1つです. 記事全体を読み、最後まで, あなたはプラナヤマと一緒に行くべきかどうかを知るようになるでしょう.  

Pranayama is the ancient form of healthy exercise which has been performed by the Yogis for thousands of years. It has proved immensely useful in keeping the mind quiet and subtle, and keeping high the energetic realms of the body. Research has also shown that there are numerous health benefits apart from keeping the mind calm like it improves the breathing capability of the body, makes the body flexible, 等.

The word Pranayama is made by the combination of two words i.e Prana which means vital life force that animates all things whereas the second word Ayama implies extension or elongation. そう, by performing Pranayama, people can connect the vast energetic network of the subtle body with different pranas by mastering and acting with the flow of breath.

According to the researches of the University of California – San Francisco, Pranayama is very useful for the cancer patient, especially who are undergoing Chemotherapy. Also, it is seen that Pranayama is very handy in controlling and eliminating the problems faced during and after the cancer treatment.

Cancer Symptoms Controlled by Prayanama

Yoga practices like pranayama, asanas, and meditation, can give the best result in curing cancer if practiced together. Pranayama controls a number of cancer symptoms. Also, it is very much feasible for the patients to perform Pranayama as it is easy to implement and no equipment is required for Pranayama.

The Cancer Symptoms which are controlled by Pranayama are as follows:

  • Stress
  • Sleep Disturbance
  • Anxiety
  • Mental Quality of Life (QOL)
  • うつ病
  • Immunity of the Body
  • Cleans the Lungs and Respiratory System
  • Digestion is improved

Pranayama Exercises for the Cancer Patients

Pranayama is safe, recommended, and beneficial for the cancer patients. It is suggested to spend 20-30 minutes twice in a day performing the different Pranayama Asanas. There are four pranayama techniques which are especially recommended to the Cancer Patients and that are:

Breath Observation

To perform this Asana, the patient has to lie or sit in a comfortable position. Now breath smoothly and naturally without forcing or controlling the breathing. After this, gather all the attention towards your breath and you will experience the soft whispering sound which the breath creates. By this, you will get to notice that how long or short your breath is, how it feels when the fresh air goes inside the body, where the sensation of breathing ends up in your, 等. This is going to be a fantastic effort.

Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breath)

To perform Nadi Shodhana, the patients are advised to sit in an upright position. 今, spread the fingers of your right hand and mold it to give the shape of Vishnu Mudra. Take your right to nostrils followed by a deep breath through both the nostrils. After this, keep the thumb on the right nostril to close it and exhale the air through the left nostril. Repeat the same process but this time inhale from left nostril and exhale from right nostril. Continue the same process for several cycles.

Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath)

To perform Kapalbhati, the patient needs to sit in an upright position and should have the focus on their lower belly. 今, take a deep breath and exhale quickly. For a better result of Kapalbhati, do sharp exhalation by pumping the abdomen. Repeat the process several times. Also, it is advised that people should not exercise beyond their capacity. Start with a small number of cycles and increase gradually.

Ujjayi (Victoriously Uprising Breath)

Close your mouth and sit in a comfortable position. 今, with the closed mouth, inhale and exhale through the nose. Repeat the same process in sets.

そう, all the cancer patients should perform these exercises for the better result. But there is one more question which is frequently asked that is which Cancer Patients should not do pranayama? This entirely depends upon your cancer type and treatment method.

To be on the safe side, it is always advised that patients should consult with their doctors before performing any exercise. Especially the patients who are facing issues like heart disease, High blood pressure, hernia, 喘息, and problematic rapid exhalation must consult with the doctor.

Here, we conclude that pranayama can cure cancer but depends on various factors. To know in detail about your cancer and your health, do visit the cancer specialist near to you.

