आप एक उद्यमी हैं? जानें कैसे योग तुम लिए फायदेमंद हो सकता!

उद्यमिता अर्थव्यवस्था में प्रगति और विस्तार का एक महत्वपूर्ण इंजन है, यह उचित रूप से किए गए प्रयासों की श्रृंखला द्वारा छोड़ी गई एक छाप है. एक उद्यमी बनने के लिए बहुत धैर्य की आवश्यकता होती है, कठोर परिश्रम, साथ ही स्वस्थ दिमाग और शरीर.

Yoga has always been the most famous method of rejuvenation among incredibly famous athletes and entrepreneurs. While most of the entrepreneurs understand the importance of being fit both physically and mentally, other entrepreneurs ignore the fact by remaining overindulged in their task routine.

Many phenomenally exceptional entrepreneurs like Daniel Loeb, Russell Simmons and Sergey Brin embrace yoga as an edge to success. Yoga helps them gain improved mental clarity and allow them to remain calm in the times when they need to make the strategic and tough decisions.

If you are an entrepreneur and even you want to flourish your career, for that we have listed below the reasons for practicing yoga and how it will help you as an entrepreneur. Read On to know.

It Helps To Remain Focused:

Of the various focus improvement options available today, yoga is one of the oldest and time-tested methods that can help to improve your concentration and can take you closer to your goals. Practicing yoga can help you strengthen your intuition and visualize the end objective. Before your goals materialize, you need to see it in your mind and this is something that yoga can help you do. Practicing yoga also alleviates stress, soothes the nerves and hence calms the mind.

Amasthiti and pranaamasana prove to be the most powerful asanas for an entrepreneur to focus and to be determined towards his commitment.

It Helps To Develop Patience:

In a business, the progress is made slowly. Who knows, it better other than an entrepreneur? Growth takes time. If ever your businesses don’t find immediate success, you need to be patient enough. Yoga helps to develop this trait of patience in a gentle way.

It Helps To Evolve Flow Of Expression:

A good entrepreneur knows the importance of the good thought process and clear communication. Good communication helps us to have immense control of our response to the situations that arise out of nowhere and are not as per our desire. To that end, strengthening of the fifth chakra can be of great advantage. It helps in clear communication, motivation and belief, leading to a better flow of expression.

This type of fluent thought process can be obtained by following an amalgamation of asanas and breath control techniques.

It Helps To Become Fearless:

Are you dwelling on the past or worrying about the future?

Fear is the greatest hindrance in the path of the growth. Very often you have to unlearn such limiting behaviours and thought processes. To that end, presence in the moment is the other principal that yoga aims to teach. It aims at taming the monkey mind that keeps jumping from one thought to another. In this era of entrepreneurship, heights can be attained only and only by unlearning this rotten seed known as fear.

It Helps In Realization Of The Inner Peace:

As a startup founder, you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders all the time. Unfortunately, you cannot control anything that is happening around you, but you can always have control on your inner peace. When everything outside is changing, yoga helps you to realize inner peace. Inner peace cannot be explained, it can only be felt.

According to yoga everything in the outside world is temporary. Thus, yoga points our attention inside ourselves, where the real sanctuary resides. Our Inner Self, as beautiful and divine as that may sound, is permanent and untouched by the chaos going in the vicinity of our existence. Be it an entrepreneur or a person working under someone else, the realization of inner peace is really very necessary to stay calm in this competitive world. Deep restfulness and a feeling of harmony can be achieved by practicing yoga in routine.

In all, how does yoga help to boost your business and entrepreneurship skills?

Moreover, women entrepreneurs should focus on yoga especially, as they have more stress to balance home and work life, age, relationship problems and fluctuating hormonal levels in their daily routines. There are numerous benefits of doing yoga for women. More focus, productivity, calmness and efficiency pretty much say it all. In crux, yoga isn’t just about the body; it’s also about the mind. It helps to unwind. The phrase all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy is apt for such a situation. It’s proven to enhance energy and the physical strength and helps to achieve better health, alertness, decision making power and increased happiness. No wonder that many big companies are introducing the practice of yoga in their offices.

All you entrepreneurs have a touch of gold. Yoga asanas could prove to be really helpful for you guys to retain that touch and to showcase your skills. Yoga will definitely provide you with the level of vitality necessary to run a thriving business and to be at the top.


Author Bio:

Hii! I’m Nancy Wile, an advanced yoga teacher and the founder of Yoga Education Institute California. I do my best to help all my students find a sense of ease and mindfulness in each posture that they can then incorporate into other aspects of their lives. I want you to come as you are and have some fun, and know that everything you need is right there inside of you.

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