Starting this November 8, 2016, Naturality and Nada Yoga School are organizing a most comprehensive 200-hour residential yoga and meditation teacher training in the holy city Rishikesh, הודו – the world capital of yoga.
In this course, as the title itself suggests, you will be given deep and sacred practices of both yoga and meditation.
The first part which is yoga, will include study on yoga ananas, Indian philosophy, yoga anatomy & physiology, shatkarma, פראניאמה, teaching theory and lessons on how to teach, which will be taught by our team of best yoga teachers of Rishikesh, practicing yoga since their childhood or are in touch with it since very small age.
The other part which is meditation will include study on 10 different types of meditation, which are – mindfullness meditation, dream-sleep meditation, וכו. to name some, will be taught by renowned lecturer and philosopher Jivasu (פראדיפ קומאר).
Yoga Course Fee:
The fee for the course is $1500 $1400 (includes food, accommodation, course material, etc.)
- Yogacharya Bhuwan Chandra
- Dr. ג'יוואסו (פראדיפ קומאר)
- Yogacharya Mohan Panwar
- Yogi Tara
- Dr. Usha Vaishnava
- Yogi Vivek Arya
- ….
Please visit Nada Yoga School’s site for more information – Yoga and Meditation Teacher Training in India