Welcome to יוגה טיפים בריאות!. We welcome all the lovers of יוגה and bloggers, who want to write a blog at Yoga Health Tips! site to spread the knowledge, benefits and awareness of Yoga. We accept guest post on the topics like yoga benefits, health Effects of yoga, מֶדִיטָצִיָה, ayurveda, or anything related to yoga, meditation or ayurveda. The blog must be of more than 800 words. The blog should be fresh and haven’t been published on the internet before.
Why Submit Guest Post at Yoga Health Tips!-
Guest Posting helps you in many ways, as in the present, it is known as the best tool for ranking #1 on Google.
Linkback –
Anyone who submits a blog at our site can put two clean “dofollow” backlinks to their own site or blog, one in the blog’s body section and the other in the author bio section. The linked post/page should be related to the linked keyword in the blog. חוץ מזה, we have the right to modify the link, if it’s not related to the article.
Social Promotion –
Every blog post submitted on Yoga Health Tips! blog will be promoted in every social media sites on the net, which will help you in being more recognized by the author bio section written in every blog post you submit.
Ready to submit?
Send us your guest posts for review at the following email: rohityoga@hotmail.com
Please send you author bio attached at the end of the article. Including photos related to the article will be appreciated.
The guest post review might take about a week. If your post is approved, you will hear us within a week and if not, you can send your guest post to other blog publishers.
Hi Editor,
How are you? I’m Lummis Beukes, working as a PR Manager for our Agency. Actually, at this time I’m looking for some sponsored post for our marketing campaigns.
Would you be interested in Publishing our sponsored guest post on your website rohityoga? The content will be relevant and you can expect the content within a couple of days.
Let me know about the charges involve in publishing the sponsored guest post.
With Regards,
Lummis Beukes.
Hey Dear,
I just submitted a guest post title “9 benefits of regular physical activity”. Kindly review it and update me when you have some time. I really like your blog post and I want to be a part of it. Looking forward to your quick response.
I’ve been practicing jalaneti for almost a month with self interest before seeing your writing, but I didn’t know much benefits about this apart from cleansing nose, thanks for the update, I personally recommend it do early morning with Luke warm water with salt with 2 passes from each nose alternately with neti pot, thanks for the message, keep posting about different things.
Glad to liked it.