À propos de Prānāyāma ou de la signification du souffle de nos jours!

How many times of the day you are with consciousness with your breath, or are you always with your breath? Just right now,… as you reading about it? Many people recognizing the breath only when they angry (strong breath), afraid (stumble breath), excited (quick breath), sad (short breath), , or when they are ill (blocked nose…Lire la suite

Rishikesh – The Best Place to Practice and Learn Spiritual Yoga!

Welcome to Rishikesh, a small beautiful city along the Ganges, settled in the primary waves of the Himalayas. It is one of the most famous places in India to study Yoga, Indian classical music and dance. Rishikesh is full of nature, a place to calm down from the pressures of daily life and to get in touchLire la suite

Yoga – An Art of Spiritual and Healthy Living!

Yoga has been around for quite some time. Gripped just as by film stars, rock stars high controlled C.E.Os. and New Age masters, yoga’s anxiety calming, quality building, low sway postures engage an extensive variety of people and form shapes. Indeed tenderfoots can see and feel a distinction after only a couple of short weeksLire la suite