Pourquoi nous souffrons de stress et qu'est-ce qu'un bon stress?

pourquoi nous souffrons de stress?

Sans connaître le problème du stress, une discussion Yoga et Méditation restera inadéquate et incomplète. Afin de comprendre le stress, nous devons entrer dans l'évolution des humains et ce qui les rend uniques. Les humains ont deux caractéristiques uniques qui les différencient de tous les autres êtres vivants sur terre. Leur cerveau est le plus gros … Lire la suite

Combattre l'insomnie avec le yoga

Combattre l'insomnie avec le yoga

Le yoga est très connu comme un exercice puissant et relaxant qui présente des tonnes d'avantages pour la santé du praticien.. Cela aide à renforcer la force, améliorer la concentration et la paix en soi, une bonne respiration, et même augmenter sa flexibilité. Mais ce que les gens peuvent ne pas savoir, c'est à quel point c'est un outil efficace pour les gens … Lire la suite

Yoga as a complementary health approach

A great infographic by National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine on yoga. Some of the great points to share and tweet on the infographic: Yoga is one of the top 10 complementary health approaches. »tweet« Yoga use increased from 5.1% à 6.1% between 2002 et 2007. »tweet« Back pain is the number one reason people useLire la suite

Why Yoga For Kids and how it can help them?

Today, the children in this modern world, are living unhealthy and physically unfit life. Everything has changed from food to their daily free time routine. Instead of eating healthy and natural food, they are more dependent on fast foods than anything else. And instead of playing with their friends in the open playground, they areLire la suite

Causes de la perte auditive et méthodes pour réduire son risque

Are you one of them suffering from hearing loss? Oui. Then wanted to know what are the causes of hearing loss? If not, then wanted to know what precautions you should take? So that you, your children or any family member do not get caught by this in future. ensuite… you are in luck! BecauseLire la suite

Avantages de Savasana (pose de cadavre) et comment le faire?

Savasana (pose de cadavre), in which sava means “corps” and asana means “posture”. It looks like the easiest pose in the whole yoga practice, mais en faisant sa pose la plus difficile. But the benefits of Savasana are more than any other asana (posture). That’s why it is recommended that you should do savasana after every 30 minutes of yogaLire la suite

À propos de Prānāyāma ou de la signification du souffle de nos jours!

How many times of the day you are with consciousness with your breath, or are you always with your breath? Just right now,… as you reading about it? Many people recognizing the breath only when they angry (strong breath), afraid (stumble breath), excited (quick breath), sad (short breath), , or when they are ill (blocked nose…Lire la suite

Rishikesh – The Best Place to Practice and Learn Spiritual Yoga!

Welcome to Rishikesh, a small beautiful city along the Ganges, settled in the primary waves of the Himalayas. It is one of the most famous places in India to study Yoga, Indian classical music and dance. Rishikesh is full of nature, a place to calm down from the pressures of daily life and to get in touchLire la suite